March 9 | 0 COMMENTS
Cross Wires: Sunday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news.
Pope Francis at Angelus: One can’t dialogue with Satan.
Pope Francis and Roman Curia begin their Lenten spiritual exercises on retreat outside Rome. (Video)
Scottish Government’s guardian bill to put the state in charge of decisions for each child, will cost $50 million, according to opponents.
Row over Catholic Church music in Scotland takes dramatic turn.
Woman ‘adopted‘ by Pope Francis after losing two sons speaks about his calls.
Catholic university backers are scouting for properties in Ireland to counter what they regard as the rise of secularism.
Conference to mark anniversary of election of Pope Francis.
Most of the Act of Union would survive Scottish ‘independence.’
St Peter’s Colonnade shines again: restoration works completed. (Video)
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.