February 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Sunday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical headlines
Pope Francis elevates Archbishop Nichols of Westminster to a cardinal (above).
The Holy Father inducts new cardinals as predecessor Benedict looks on. (Full homily here).
Pope tells cardinals to shun gossip, intrigue, cliques.
Holy Father: No to divisions between Christians.
The lawyer of the mentally-ill Scottish pensioner facing death in Pakistan for blasphemy says he won’t survive in prison until his appeal is heard.
Scotland’s biggest food bank has run out of food.
Prayers said at at the Holy Cross Church in Pontyberem, Wales, for newborn Eliza-Mae Mullane who was killed by pet dog.
Ukrainian bishop compares slain protestors to martyrs and Pope Francis asks cardinals to send message of support to suffering Ukrainians.
Pope Francis calls for renewed commitment to Vatican II’s Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy.
London conference to mark first anniversary of election of Pope Francis.
Oldest living nun celebrates 107th birthday at Vatican.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.