January 16 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic breaking news and opinion
Holy See will for the first time face questioning by a UN committee on the Vatican’s child abuse record.
Archbishop Tomasi (above) on the Holy See’s committment to protecting children.
Church leaders welcome news that Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster is to be a cardinal.
Vatican names Haiti‘s first cardinal.
Pope Francis names cardinals to oversee Vatican Bank.
The Vatican is reviewing the ‘cost of sainthood‘ under Pope Francis’ austerity plan, according to the Vatican Insider.
Pope Francis continues lesson on Baptism at general audience.
Holy Father’s New Year address to diplomats in full.
US Cardinal O’Malley encourages Catholics to take part in novena of prayer, penance for life.
Christina Odone. The new intolerance: will we regret pushing Christians out of public?
Louie Verrecchio. No good without the Catholic Church.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI hosts 90th birthday celebration for elder brother.
Chart-topping US nuns releasing Lent album.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.