November 11 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines.
Pope Francis: heartfelt solidarity with those affected by Philippines typhoon.
Death is behind us, in front of us God of the living, says Pope Francis.
‘.Catholic’ internet domain name reserved by Vatican for Church organisations only.
Pope Francis appoints new English bishop.
US bishops get ready to elect new president. (Video and candidates.)
Remembrance Sunday: Jesuit WWII veteran speaks on Songs of Praise.
SCIAF‘s Patrick Grady: £9bn shopping budget a powerful tool.
Ireland’s Thirtysomethings: With questions of our morality, the devil is in the detail.
From embracing Islam to attending Catholic masses and plans for a ‘multi-faith’ coronation, Prince Charles‘ religious beliefs are wide-ranging.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS