October 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines
Pope Francis: ‘If a Church no longer carries Jesus, then that is dead church!’ (Video).
Holy See Permanent Observer to the UN calls for complete disarmament.
RUC and UDR members accused of being in a loyalist gang that killed more than 100 people in the 1970s, including a Catholic shopkeeper.
Leave of absence for ‘luxury’ bishop in Germany.
Court affirms that all Germans registered as Catholics, Protestants or Jews must pay a religious tax.
“Today we need, as ever in the past, to help each other to live reflective lives,” Archbishop Nichols tells Muslim Council of Wales.
US bishops announces candidates to succeed Cardinal Dolan as conference president.
Ninety-year-old Catholic church demolished in Canada.
French high court: mayors must perform same-sex ‘marriages.’
Abort my child? No way, says bishop-elect’s mother.
Abortion, the death of the soul, and Christian strategy (ahead of pro-life procession from George Square in Glasgow tonight from 6pm.)
Pope Francis’ mission to cleanse the Catholic Church of luxury.
I’ll quit priesthood if Vatican censures my book, vows Fr D’Arcy.
‘Tenacious women‘ honoured at Vatican book event.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS