September 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Signs of light for the Church as winter begins to draw in
This week’s editorial
The temperature has dropped, the sky has darkened and the wind whipped up. After a long, warm Summer, this week winter has started creeping back to Scotland. Although we have enjoyed the weather this year, the climate for the Scottish Catholic Church has not been pleasant.
It has been a difficult time, mistakes have been made that must not be forgotten, but the turning of the seasons, reminds us that time marches on, forcing us forward into the present.
This weekend Mgr Leo Cushley will become the new Archbishop of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh, a new man for a new era of the Scottish Church.
His job will not be easy, but the early signs are promising.
As he reveals in his exclusive interview with The Scottish Catholic Observer this week, he has been asked by Pope Francis to act in a way that is merciful but firm.
That surely has to be the essence of good Church leadership, leavened by God’s mercy and focused on love but also unwavering, dedicated to the teachings of Christ.
The archbishop-elect also indicated that he wants to learn as much as possible before he acts, indeed that he wants to spend from now to the New Year in ‘listening mode,’ hearing the priests and laity of St Andrew’s and Edinburgh Archdiocese.
This too seems wise, as acting rashly and in haste is rarely for the best.
There is no doubt that Mgr Cushley will have a lot of learning to do, as the role of Archbishop is very different from the work he was doing in the Vatican diplomatic Service but he shows curiosity, a willingness to learn and a true devotion to the Church, which is a very good start.
As the Seasons turn, the world changes and though the Church teachings are eternal, it is not immune. Mgr Cushley is just the first of many new appointments to the Scottish hierarchy due in the months to come and as the hierarchy changes so will our Church.
These men will have the task of bringing a message of hope and renewal to Scottish Church, but Mgr Cushley is any guide, they may be up to the task. It has been a long dark summer, but as winter draws in there are signs of light.