September 5 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news from Scotland and around the world
Pope Francis renews appeal for peace in Syria (above) and throughout the world.
Vatican relieves its nuncio in Dominican Republic amid official abuse investigation.
Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt concerned by lack of prosecutions in gender abortion case.
Law graduate fighting Catholic ban on Royal succession.
Lebanese faith leaders seek global aid for kidnapped bishops.
Public hearings due In January into homes’ abuse investigations in Northern Ireland.
Norfolk: Catholic migrant centre wins Queen’s Award.
Augustinians elect new General Prior.
Jordan’s king decries anti-Christian violence, calls upon Christians to defend Islam.
Today’s meeting of G20 nations is expected to sign an agreement to fight tax avoidance by multinationals, backed by the Enough Food for Everyone IF campaign, but the Syrian crisis will also be in focus.
In Laos, 50 Christians face eviction order for embracing the Christian faith.
Chilean Cardinal Errázuriz turns 80, number of Papal electors down to 111. (Video).
Pope recalls main goals of WYD in Rio during his general audience. (Video).
Nic Rigby: Should GK Chesterton be a saint?
Devout Colorado teen beats stage-four cancer after being blessed by Pope during Make-A-Wish trip to Rome.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS