August 27 | 0 COMMENTS print
Cross Wires: Tuesday breaking news
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news from Scotland and around the world
Archbishop Zenari: the international community must not remain silent before the cry of innocent victims in Syria.
Bishop Hugh Gilbert (above)’s homily of welcome of Dominican Sisters to Elgin in Aberdeen Diocese.
Your Kingdom Come: Homily of Bishop Mark Davies at Youth 2000 prayer festival, Walsingham.
President of the St Patrick’s College in Maynooth says the 20 new seminarians is one of the biggest numbers of new entrants in recent years.
Jesuit Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, kidnapped in Syria, was meeting with rebel forces.
The personal secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI denied that the then Pontiff after a ‘mystical experience.’ Analysis.
Catholic priest in Nigeria shot and killed by own gun.
Quebec contemplates ban on visible religious symbols such as Crucifixes for doctors, teachers.
A US State Supreme Court has ruled that a small Christian-owned photography business does not have the right to decline on religious grounds to shoot a same-sex commitment ceremony.
Pope Francis thanks Rio governor for warm welcome at WYD.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS