July 11 | 0 COMMENTS print
Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines from around the globe
Bishop Brendan Leahy (above) calls for prayers as as Irish Dáil votes on abortion law. (Full homily from Vigil for Life).
Irish politicians debate divisive abortion bill until dawn this morning.
Glasgow’s newest priest Stuart Reynolds, 47, speaks about over overcoming a gambling addiction in his 20s.
Risk of child hunger over the school holidays because their parents cannot afford to feed them properly, the Church of Scotland has warned.
A Romero Cross and Reliquary will be erected in St George’s Cathedral, Southwark, in honour of the martyred Archbishop Romero, and dedicated to the late Bishop Michael Evans.
Pope Francis has asked for the immediate removal of a statue erected in his honor at his old cathedral in Buenos Aires. Opinion.
Report sees new hostility to religion in US military.
In US, Texas House passes late term abortion ban.
Why the Catholic Church doesn’t just move with the times.
Robin Yassin-Kassab makes assumptions on the ‘theological indifference and general irreligiosity’ of Scots when writing that Syria’s communal tensions are fuelled by politics not theology,
Protestants put Irish flags and a statue of the Virgin Mary on top of the bonfire.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS