June 18 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines from Scotland and around the world.
The Catholic Church could face legal action for refusing to carry out homosexual weddings despite UK Government assurances it could not.
Elaine Smith (above), a deputy presiding officer of the Scottish Parliament, has been attacked after objecting to same-sex ‘marriage’ bill.
Archbishop Gerhard Müller’s address to priests in Scotland.
The International Criminal Court rules there is no basis to claims that the Vatican facilitated the abuse of children.
Pope Francis says the righteousness of Jesus supersedes ‘eye for and eye’ teaching.
Holy Father meets with Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro. (Video).
Nigeria: Four churches burned by Boko Haram.
Tax, trade and transparency to dominate discussions at the G8 summit, with leaders said to be close to agreeing a statement on Syria.
David Scott of Nil by Mouth: We can break the cycle of bigotry.
Pope Francis at 100 days: “The world’s parish priest.’
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS