April 18 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news headlines
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news from Scotland and around the globe
Caritas Lebanon: Desperate appeal for help for Syrian refugees (above).
Horrific Gosnell murder trial sheds light on abortion business.
US President Obama is expected to focus on the resilience of faith in the face of evil when he speaks at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston this morning.
EU bishops mourn Fr Paul Huot-Pleuroux, first general secretary of COMECE.
SSPX no closer to reconciliation with Holy See, superior says.
Bishops of England and Wales meet Pope Francis.
Head for the Bishop’s House in Aberdeen at 7pm tonight to watch Romero – a 1989 film by John Duigan on the life, work and death of Oscar Romero.
New Bishop of Limerick acknowleges ‘darkness’ of Church but seeks forgiveness.
Bishop of London’s sermon from the late PM Margaret Thatcher‘s funeral in London yetserday. (Full text).
£600 fine for sectarian abuse of Andy Goram.
The argument against AC Grayling’s two-word attack on faith-based schools in Scotland.
Pope Francis gifted jersey signed by Pope Francis gifted jersey signed by Argentine football star Messi. (Video here).
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS