April 17 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news from Scotland and around the globe.
Atheist AC Grayling (above) slighted Catholic schools at the Scottish Parliament yesterday.
Kate McCann has said her Faith makes it possible for her to forgive whoever took her daughter, Madeline.
Father of Catholic boy killed in Boston bombings grateful for outpouring of prayers.
Boston priest who comforted victims of Boston bombing says evil can only be conquered by love.
Rector of St John’s Seminary, Boston, offers his thoughts in the aftermath of the attack.
Pope Francis’ planned reforms could limit the powers of the Secretariat of State.
Holy Father urged prayers for Pope Emeritus Benedict on his birthday yesterday.
Vatican unveils plans for international family centre in Nazareth.
A senior French Cardinal has warned the legalising same-sex ‘marriage’ there could lead to violence.
Catholic Church in New Zealand faces battle to stop legalisation of same-sex ‘marriage’.
US grand jury report says abortion clinic was like a ‘baby charnel house’.
Turkey to set up refugee camp for Christians near the Syrian Border.
On the morning of her funeral, Damian Thomson asks: When Margaret Thatcher‘s policies caused suffering, why didn’t Christian leaders reach out to her?
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.