April 15 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday breaking news headlines
The latest Catholic news from Scotland and around the globe
Pope Francis’s full homily from St Paul’s Outside the Walls last night.
Holy Father appeals for persecuted Christians. Regina caeli (Full text).
Pope Francis appoints advisors for Curia reform.
Aberdeen Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage in June: “Finish the Race, Keep the Faith!”
US bishops urge support for international arms treaty.
US film on Catholic abuse cases in Boston feared to be exploitative.
Mark Dowd travels to Buenos Aires for the BBC to find out the truth about Pope Francis. (audio)
Alan Cochrane: Failure of a case brought under the SNP’s anti-sectarian law has highlighted doubts many lawyers felt about this ‘horribly drafted’ legislation.
Shocking 4,620 per cent increase in Belgium euthanasia cases since legalisation.
Papal sticker album hits the shelves. More than 400 images on the life of Pope Francis.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.