April 11 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday breaking news headlines
The latest Catholic news from Scotland and around the globe.
Vatican denies report Pope-emeritus Benedict (above) is in rapid physical decline.
Chaldean Bishop Audo in Syria: Aleppo is starving.
Bishop Emeritus Peter Moran, president of SCIAF, among speakers at free Year of Faith Catholic social teaching conference Friday night/Saturday. Register now.
Ban on cash payment for metal could be brought in to tackle thefts, such as the loss of lead from St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh.
Midwife in Ireland tells Halappanavar inquest she is sorry for ‘Catholic country‘ comment.
France: Senate gives approval for same-sex ‘marriage .’
Demographic shifts mean Europe no longer Catholic Church’s centre.
Pope Francis will take possession of the Papal Basilica of St Paul’s outside the Walls in Rome on Sunday.
New European report on Vatican banking procedures due in December.
Vatican adult stem cells conference gets underway.
The redefinition of marriage: The fight is about justice.
Pope greets the ‘cuervos,’ supporters of his favourite football team, at general audience yesterday. (Video)
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.