March 19 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news from around the globe.
Pope Francis calls on mankind to protect the poor at his inauguration Mass. Above, the Holy Father kissing the altar on the steps of St Peter’s Square.
Full text of Pope Francis’ homily at his inauguration Mass.
Pope Francis sends special message to Catholics in his native Argentina. Before becoming Pope, he was behind a campaign to grant sainthood to six churchmen murdered in Argentina in 1976.
Head of Ukrainian Catholic Church speaks of his love for his mentor, Pope Francis.
Sistine Chapel reopens to tourists after Conclave.
Freak accident kills multiple fatalities at Mexican religious procession.
Archbishop of Medellin, Columbia pleads for peace after 31 people were killed in his city last weekend.
Poland’s former president cleared of hate crime allegation over homosexual comments.
John Allen reveals some of the currents in the conclave that led to Pope Francis.
Interesting interview with Pope Francis (then Cardinal Bergoglio) from 2012 on priestly celibacy.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at @SCO_NEWS.