March 18 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Holy Father tells Vatican to prepare for change.
Archbishop Hugh Gilbert of Aberdeen: A cry for a new purity and honesty, for the Gospel, for Christ.
Pope Francis’ first Angelus: God never gets tired of forgiving. We get tired of asking for forgiveness. (Video).
Holy Father preaches forgiveness at first Sunday Mass.
Pope Francis greets pilgrims, tourists (above) after Sunday Mass (Video).
Unprecedented ecumenical gesture: Patriarch of Constantinople will attend Pope’s inauguration.
Argentina turmoil ’gave Pope Francis strength to reform Vatican;’ Argentina: priest issues statement on Pope Francis during junta years.
Pope Francis on mass media and name. Holy Father with blind journalist guide dog (below).
Holy Father provisionally confirms heads and members of Roman Curia.
Alert at Newtownabbey church in County Antrim was ‘elaborate hoax.’