March 7 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news from around the globe.
The last cardinal summoned to choose the next Pope is expected to arrive at the Vatican today, but the date for the conclave is not likely immediately to be set.
No more interviews from cardinals amid reported info leaks (video) and Vatican spokesmen say a long setup time before conclave does not mean it will be a quick decision on next Pope
Cardinals gathered in St Peters (above) to pray, along with world, for the Church.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster has written a letter to all parishes and schools in the diocese about the forthcoming conclave.
Venezuelan cardinal to offer Mass for deceased president.
Vatican diplomat challenges UN to do more to protect religious freedom.
Fr Jeremy Trood has been appointed episcopal vicar for safeguarding in Westminster.
Christian financial advisors urge stronger controls on ‘payday loan sharks.’
New book shows adult stem cells as medical ‘paradigm shift’
Sympathy for Cardinal Keith O’Brien from unexpected source?
John Mahony: Cardinal O’Brien’s resignation, full confession and fall from grace remind us that no-one’s reputation is beyond challenge, and good deeds and community service must be matched with integrity, transparency and openness.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.