March 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Cardinal Keith O’Brien (above) ‘will play no further part in the public life’ of the Catholic Church in Scotland.
Statement from Liz Leydon, SCO editor.
Mourning without morning: The Church left without Pope, now thinking about successor. (Video).
Cardinals to meet today at Vatican.
Cardinals plan to ask the next Pope to pledge in his inaugural address that he will serve until death but future Popes will mirror Benedict XVI, says Cardinal George Pell in Australia.
Non-European Pope could pair up with Vatican official ‘in presidential-style ticket.’
Bomb found outside Catholic church in North Belfast.
Papal conclave: Cormac Murphy-O’Connor’s insider’s view.
Catholics in Scotland to celebrate convert and martyr St John Ogilvie.
—Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.