Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Same-sex ‘marriage:’ SNP finds opinion as polarised in Scotland.
Christian campaigners voice disappointment over same-sex ‘marriage’ bill vote in the Commons.
“By lying we all lose.” The president of the Pontifical Council for the Family presets the Vatican’s upcoming family-oriented initiatives.
Vatican abuse prosecutor: media performed service in uncovering scandal.
Colombian priest killed in continuing trend of violence.
Coptic pope criticises Islamist influence on Egypt’s constitution.
Thoughts on Richard III, history, and Catholicism.
Priests offer tips for Catholics long absent from the confessional.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.
Re: Richard III’s funeral. the discovery of King Richard’s body has provoked some discussion about his funeral. About thirty years ago,the bodies of the sailors of the “Mary Rose” were found. This was Henry VIII’s flagship. What to do? Those who were identified as Catholics got a Catholic funeral,i.e. the Novus Ordo rite. Those identified as Anglicans got the Sarum Usage rite, as it was done in Henry’s time. How were Catholic distinguished from Anglicans. Sailors with rosaries in their pockets were regarded as Catholic ;those with out as Anglican. History does have its odd twists,doesn’t it?