Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news.
Church has launches a final push against the UK Government’s plans for same-sex ‘marriage’ with just 10 days before MPs vote on the issue.
Concept of adultery could be abolished in law as a result of the Government’s plans for same-sex ‘marriage,’ lawyers and MPs say.
Lack of Faith may hurt the validity of marriage, Holy Father tells Roman Rota.
Holocaust is ‘constant warning,’ Pope Benedict XVI says.
Family, parish priest deeply saddened by the shooting of murdered police officer Adrian Donohoe.
Radical call for economic change from Archbishop Bernard Longley of Birmingham and Archbishop Peter Smith of Southwark with seven Catholic bishops and 37 Church of England bishops.
US March for Life participants offer joyful witness.
Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem grateful for Prayer Day for Peace in Holy Land.
US faith leaders call for bold new initiative for Israeli-Palestinian peace.
Indian cardinal launches day for justice and gender equality after gang rape case.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.
Re: the March for Life. This event was almost totally ignored by the secular media in the United States. Similar,much smaller demonstrations for gun control were widely covered throughout the country. It shows where the media has its mind set. If it weren’t for EWTN,the whole March for Life would have faded into oblivion.