January 23 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news.
MPs back reform to anti-Catholic Act of Settlement.
SNP official quits over same-sex ‘marriage.’
The Iona Institute (above) has ben censored by YouTube.
Vatican launches The Pope app, allowing Catholics to watch the Holy Father’s events live on their smartphones.
Pope Benedict XVI appoints Brazilian priest to run Vatican TV.
Vatican reiterates opposition to the illegal trade in ivory.
Pope Benedict meets Vietnamese communist leader.
A German cardinal has said he is ‘deeply ashamed’ that two Catholic hospitals turned away a rape victim.
Man who killed bishop in 2010 sentenced to 15 years in jail by Turkish court.
California bishop joins campaign for gun control in the US.
Lourdes primary school in Glasgow lifts football trophy.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on Twitter at SCO_NEWS.