January 15 | 0 COMMENTS print
Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Nadia Eweida suffered religious discrimination at work with British Airways when she was prevented from wearing a cross (above), the European Court of Human Rights has ruled.
Scottish Borders Catholic school head move debated.
Pope Benedict XVI to fly over Rio’s famous Christ statue at World Youth Day in Brazil.
Archbishop Longley of Birmingham shocked by killing of two Big Issue sellers.
Bishop Denis Brennan pays tribute to Mgr Patrick Corish, former president of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth.
Doctors euthanise deaf Belgian identical twins who could not bear to go blind, setting dangerous precedent.
Facebook must be called on to refuse abortion ads that target UK women, says a pro-life leader.
Woman arrested in US after sprinkling Holy Water at an abortion clinic.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog. Follow breaking news from the SCO through the day on twitter at SCO_NEWS.