October 31 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news.
Atheists are more likely to drink heavily than religious people, a new Scottish Government study has found.
SPUC activist gives talk on ‘Defending Life in Scotland’ at Bishop’s house, Aberdeen.
A new film highlighting forced abortions in India and China was launched at the House of Lords last night.
Vatican says it is willing to be patient with the SSPX.
The Holy See and Croatia mark 13 centuries of friendship.
Pope Benedict will celebrate vespers at the Sistine chapel today to mark 500th anniversary of the painting of its famous ceiling.
A man in Buffalo, New York, has confessed to cheating a 91-year-old priest out of hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Irish vocations to the priesthood at an all time low.
Nuns to release album in time for advent.
Cuban bishops bring aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy on their island
- Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog.