October 11 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic and ecumenical news.
The opening of the Year of Faith is underway at the Vatican, watch online at news.va and EWTN.
Pope Benedict XVI’s general audience: “Our own era, which has forgotton God, need message of Vatican II.” First hand account: click here. Papal message in full: click here
Scottish Catholic Observer columnist David Kerr on BBC Radio Scotland on composer James MacMillan’s role in the opening of the Year of Faith, listen again online 1 hour 20mins into the programme.
James MacMillan will be at Elgar’s The Dream Of Gerontius, the large-scale AGAP charity fundraising concert in Archbishop Conti’s honour in Glasgow on Saturday. Details and tickets, click here
Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams suggests suggests contemplation for reaching post-Christian world at the synod of Catholic bishops.
Around 400 people attended yesterday’s second meeting of the movement ‘A Call to Action’, which is fostering dialogue about the future direction of the Church and Church renewal in Britain.
Italian Catholic Church to be stripped of tax exemption from 2013.
Why is Vatican II so important?
Lib Dem MSP Tavish Scott says abortion policy should be governed by ‘clinical research, judgement and common sense’ What about morality and God’s law?
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.