August 29 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Bishop of Brentwood says the Paralympic Games, which begin this week, will be ‘very, very inspiring.’
Archeologists seek remains of ancient Church at Stracathro where John Balliol surrendered the Scottish crown in 1296.
SCIAF supporters in Perth and Kinross raise more than £4000 for the African drought appeal.
Catholic Church in Nigeria bans female parishioners from wearing traditional head wraps amid security fears.
Cardinal Dolan of New York accepts invitation to offer closing prayer at US Democratic party convention.
Irish seminary welcomes 12 new student priests.
Brazilian Church protests as notary there registers three-person civil partnership.
Vatican spokesman Fr Frederico Lombardi has turned 70.
Vatican issues special stamps to commemorate the successful Eucharistic congress in Dublin earlier this year.
Vatican had to deal with a porcupine infestation last year.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.