July 30 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news and views
Scotland for Marriage looks at political party to oppose same-sex ‘marriage.
Holy Father renews call for end to violence in Syria.
Message from Pope Benedict XVI for 2012 Olympic Games.
The British ambassador to the Holy See writes on his family connection to Eric Liddell, an Olympian born to Scottish missionary parents who was famously depicted in the 1981 film Chariots of Fire.
Pope St Pius X helped arrange 1908 London Olympics, author recalls.
Pope Benedict XVI saddened by Ghana’s loss.
A new lay organisation for Irish Catholics has been set up to promote ‘the letter and spirit of Vatican II.’
Nuns in US this week weigh response to Vatican rebuke.
Eddie Barnes: for Church leaders and other faith groups opposed to the plan, the issue of same-sex ‘marriage’ has become a touchstone for a far wider battle.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.
Pic: Paul McSherry