June 28 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news and views
Bishop Philip Tartaglia of Paisley (above), Communication bishop for the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland, says that Christians must protect the religious freedom that underpins democracy and ‘pick up the pieces of a shattered’ society.
Bishop Arthur Roche of Leeds, who has been promoted by Pope Benedict XVI to a senior position in the Vatican, said he is ‘sorry to be leaving’ the diocese.
Vatican Bank discusses the selection of a new president, prepares to open its doors to the media today.
Vatican makes changes to rite of imposing the pallium ahead of annual ceremony for archbishops tomorrow.
Vatican: Appointment shows Pope’s desire for reconciliation with traditionalists.
Christ’s exalted because of humility, Holy Father tells audience.
Pope tells homeless, jobless quake victims to put trust in God.
The Westminster Abbey Anglican delegation at the Papal Mass in St Peter’s Basilica on the Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul will include the Choir of Westminster, which will sing with the Papal Choir at the Mass.
Catholic charities mobilises against growing Colorado fires in the US.
Church in Egypt expresses confidence in President-Elect Mohammed Mursi
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog