May 22 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news and views
US Catholic groups sue to block contraception mandate of President Obama’s (above) administration.
Secular society needs Catholicism, Pope tells US bishops.
New priests younger, were altar servers, lectors, carry debt, US survey finds.
Franciscan Friar from Assisi signs major record deal.
Vatican release new book that translates to Benedict XVI: Keys to Interpreting the Second Vatican Council “‘Renovation and tradition can go hand in hand in hermeneutic of continuity.”
Vatican launches new website for Catholics in Latin America ahead of Year of Faith and WYD 2013.
Pope removes Sicilian bishop from diocesan leadership.
An appeal to churches to help distribute a million free drinks of water during this summer’s Olympics has been launched by More Than Gold, the agency helping churches make the most of the 2012 Games.
Churches should act together to get the British government to act for an end to the Israeli blockade on Gaza, the Church of Scotland General Assembly has agreed.
Scotland’s favourite book? The Da Vinci Code, a story of a murder in Paris’ Louvre museum with connections to a religious conspiracy involving the Catholic Church’s Opus Dei organisation, is a novel ‘so bad it gives novels a bad name.’
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog