May 10 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster welcomes Queen’s Speech pledge of continued reform of royal succession but Christian charities have concerns.
Archbishop Nichols on the role of family in the formation of children.
A young English woman who was forced into a life of prostitution through human trafficking lauded the Vatican for addressing the issue at conference.
Lord Alton of Liverpool gives Tyburn Lecture on What price faith? (Full text of lecture).
Pope Benedict XVI reflects on the power of prayer, while thanking everyone who prays for him. (Video)
Catholic radio broadcaster killed in motorbike ‘drive-by’ in Philippines.
Focolare Youth meet in Italy to talk about economic crisis and social issues. (Video).
Catholic education authorities will look into school safety after a student was stabbed before class at Caboolture, north of Brisbane, Australia yesterday.
The US Catholic population stood at 58.9 million in 2010, according to a new census of religious congregations.
Portugal is eliminating four holidays to try to boost its economy, the government announced – but only after getting the agreement of the Vatican.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.