Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
When Pope Benedict XVI Beatified John Paul II … one year anniversary of Beatification. Above, the Pope kisses the relic of Blessed John Paul II on May 1 2011.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols speaks about the pain of losing Faith.
First Minister backs the Robin Hood Tax following Cardinal Keith O’Brien’s letter to David Cameron.
Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has praised Pope John XXIII’s historic encyclical Pacem in Terris as ‘a great thing.’
Pontiff tells German bishops that pro multis must be translated literally.
St Joseph’s Pastoral Centre, North London, gears up for Paralympics.
Catholics care about social justice.
A different perspective on supporting traditional marriage: more resources.
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer‘s blog.
Re: Pro multis. Both Hebrew and Aramaic make distinction between “many” and “all”. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, it has to be presumed the the Greek text of the Gospels does accurately convey the original Semitic words. Actually,there is a bit of discussion over the “ipsissimamet verba” of Jesus’ Words of Institution at the Last supper. Paul and Oaul have one version,while Mark and Matthew have another.