April 30 | 0 COMMENTS print
Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Cardinal Keith O’Brien backs Robin Hood tax, tells Prime Minister (above) it is ‘immoral’ to ignore poor and wrong to only help his very rich political contemporaries. (Video).
Vatican condemns anti-Christian attacks attacks in Kenya, Nigeria.
Pope Benedict XVI ordained nine new priests on the World Day of Prayer for Vocations yesterday, and asked for prayers to help young men in discerning their vocation to the priesthood.
Same-sex ‘marriage’ with harm Catholic schools in Scotland, say experts.
Scotland for Marriage to deliver 300,00 leaflets to homes in run up to council elections this week.
UK Apostolic nunio has urged Catholic leaders to form a united front with their Muslim and Jewish counterparts to oppose same-sex ‘marriage.’
The inaugural Caritas Awards Ceremony will take place in the Clyde Auditorium Glasgow on Saturday June 2 in front of a capacity audience of 3000 from schools and parishes across the country plus VIP guests.
Tomorrow marks the one year since historic beatification of John Paul II. (Video).
Rome will host its first March for Life o May 13, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima, to protest the legalisation of abortion in Italy.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.