April 9 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Easter Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news.
Full text of Holy Father’s urbi et orbi this Easter calling for peace in Syria, throughout the world
First Minister Alex Salmond backs Cardinal O’Brien’s call for Christians to wear a Cross as a visible symbol of their support of Christian values.
Worshippers die when Nigerian church collapses during Easter vigil Mass.
Pope Benedict XVI will visit Lebanon from September 14 to 16, the Vatican announced yesterday.
Holy Father confirms he will not attend Eucharistic Congress in Dublin.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols of Westminster says that Prime Minister David Cameron’s plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ are ‘unnecessary.’
Ben Bradshaw, one of Britain’s first openly gay MPs, has criticised Government plans to allow same-sex couples to get married.
Cuba celebrates Good Friday for first time since 1959 revolution.
More than half of all Catholic Church buildings in Wellington, NZ, are immediate earthquake concerns, with 25 churches revealed as earthquake-prone.
Graham Spiers: Despite the drop in believer numbers, Christian faith and practice are still an everyday part of people’s lives in Scotland.