April 2 | 2 COMMENTS

Cross Wires – Monday Headlines
The latest Catholic News.
Pope Benedict XVI celebrates Palm Sunday at the Vatican and asks ‘Who is Jesus of Nazareth to us?’ (Video.)
Scots clergy protest Trident nuclear weapons at Faslane.
In memory of Blessed John Paul II on the anniversary of his death.
Queen harassed by Quakers over same-sex ‘marriage’.
Austrian Cardinal allows homosexual to serve on parish council.
Hindu extremists attack Christians in South India.
Caritas launches appeal for starving in Niger.
Christians targeted in Syria by Muslim gangs.
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer’s blog.
An Orthodox priest from Syria told me many years ago that the only elements preventing the destruction of Christians in Syria and the mutual annhiliation of Shiites and Sunnis was the presence of the Assad family and the Alawite sect. Sometimes our Western hopes for the spread of liberal democracy through the world just often don’t correspond with the political realities on the ground.
Re: Arab Christinas. My earlier remarks on Arab Christians are corroborated by an article by Stephen Zunes in toady’s edition of the National Catholic Reporter (Apri l2,2012)