March 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
The Vatican is to publish this morning its report on visitations to Ireland following abuse reports.
Fr Frederico Lombardi (above), Vatican press office director, has condemned the ‘heinous’ attack on a French Jewish school by a gunman who opened fire, killing four people.
David Cameron’s plan to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ is “unnecessary and unhelpful,” the country’s largest Muslim organisation has said.
Tributes to the Catholic priest Fr Edward (Eddie) Murphy from Wisbech, East Anglia, killed when his car collided with tractor on Irish motorway.
Headteacher Tom McDonald reveals how BBC Scotland’s High School has impacted life at Holyrood Secondary in Glasgow.
Former Polish president Lech Walesa urges Pope to help Cubans.
US President Obama edict- Catholic Church must participate in child sterilisation.
Dutch lawmakers urge debate after accusations that the Catholic Church in the Netherlands is guilty of ‘castrating at least 10 boys’ in 1950s.
Pope Benedict XVI celebrated the March 19 Solemnity of St Joseph, his namesake, by delivering a sermon on the saint’s virtues
Holy Father wants the Catholic youth to learn ‘virtue of chastity.’
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer‘s blog