March 5 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Cardinal Keith O’Brien (above) clashes with PM David Cameron on same-sex ‘marriage‘ plans, which the president of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland calls ‘madness.’
Tributes to Scottish lawyer Paul McBride QC, target of suspected parcel bomb plot alongside Celtic manager Neil Lenon and former politician, found dead in Pakistani hotel room.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin claims Irish Catholicism at ‘breaking point.’
Legal aid bill fails domestic abuse victims, faith leaders warn.
Belfast comedian Frank Carson was buried Saturday after services at both Catholic and Protestant churches in the city (Video).
Violence and bloodshed is turning the ‘Arab spring‘ into winter, the head of Lebanon’s Maronite Church said, threatening Christians and Muslims alike across the Middle East.
Bishops have last word on Faith, Vatican theological panel says.
Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday: Jesus is the light that never fades.
Holy Father concludes week of spiritual exercises during retreat.
Gerald Warner: At last the gloves are off in the battle over abortion.
A letter sent to the Vatican by Mary Queen of Scots a few months before her execution for treason against her cousin Elizabeth I is one of the most poignant documents in a Vatican archive.
- Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.