March 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Global coverage of Scottish ruling against Catholic midwives on abortion, including reports online in US, Australia and Asia.
Academics who argued case for after-birth abortion have received death threats.
The new law designed to reduce religious hatred associated with football has come into force in Scotland.
Anne Widdecombe calls for referendum over same-sex ‘marriage': Let the people decide on marriage.
Archbishop of Canterbury says law has no right to legalise ‘same-sex’ marriage.
Bishop Noel Treanor of Down and Connor has apologised to the victims of a priest jailed for four years for abusing two boys.
Northern Ireland report: Statistically the future is Catholic and female.
Plaid AM calls for St David’s Day national holiday
Historic first: Vatican Secret Archives Revealed exhibition opens in Rome, outside Vatican City.
Holy See follows with ‘great concern’ events in Syria.
Heading to the Olympics? Check out London’s Catholic history.
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog.