February 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest Catholic news
The Holy See has signalled its approval and support of Lentfest, with a special letter to mark today’s launch of Glasgow Archdiocese’s programme of cultural events and performances during Lent. For letter in full click here.
Day of reflection this Lent on March 24 for anyone aged between 18 and 35 has been organised by Justice and Peace in and the Youth Ministry Office of St Andrews and Edinburgh Archdiocese.
Easter Triduum for young people at Craig Lodge lead by Fr Damian Cassidy OCarm.
The Catholic Church in Londonderry, NI, is proposing to end to single-sex schools and phase out academic selection.
Catholic student not English enough to get grant to study at university.
Will Blessed Cyprian Michael Iwene Tansi become Britain’s first back saint?
The Irish Government’s decision to close the Vatican embassy will not be reversed, according to the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore.
Hong Kong’s new Cardinal John Tong Hon urges leaders to protect democracy.
Tomorrow Catholic churches around New Zealand will remember and pray for those who died, were injured or have suffered as a result of the Christchurch earthquake on February 22 2011.
Pope Benedict XVI has selected Timothy Costelloe, a Melbourne bishop, to succeed Barry Hickey as the Archbishop of Perth, Australia.
A call by reform-minded Catholics in the German-speaking world for the church to soften its stances on homosexuality, divorce and celibacy among priests and to end its ban on women in the clergy is drawing loud criticism from conservatives.
Former Ambassador Paco Vazquez dismisses move to change Spain’s accord with the Vatican.
Angola‘s Minister of Assistance and Social Reintegration, João Baptista Kussumua, has highlighted the engagement and devotion of the Catholic Church towards the country’s development.
Fr Alexander Lucie-Smith: The best thing a Catholic can do for Lent is to go to Mass every day.
Marianna Bartholomew: Pushing ‘the Pill’ leads to loss of liberty.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog