February 20 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
Base decisions on Faith, Pope Benedict XVI (seen above at Saturday’s installation Mass) tells new cardinals. Yesterday’s homily in full.
New Vatican nuncio to Ireland at welcome Mass: Pope consistent on stopping abuse.
Euthanasia and End of Life Issues talk by John Deighan, Scottish Catholic Parliamentary Office, on Thursday in Glasgow.
Catholic Sister of Charity of Jesus and Mary Liliane Mapalayi stabbed in the heart in Congo.
Bomb exploded yesterday outside church near Nigeria’s capital.
New top officials named for Legion of Christ.
Catholic schools in Australia face fee increases of up to 131 per cent, forcing a potential exodus from primary and secondary facilities.
Former roadie Rob Hunt, training for the Catholic priesthood in a seminary in central London, will feature in the first of three Catholics film, 9pm on BBC4 on Thursday (February 23).
Catholic Church in Quebec, Canada, sings praises of Edith Piaf tune at centre of uproar.
-Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog