January 30 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news
‘An illustrious Catholic statesman,’ how Pope Benedict XVI has recalled former Italian President Scalfaro (above), who died aged 93 this weekend.
A pair of doves seemed to prefer the company of Pope Benedict XVI to the great outdoors yesterday in a traditional peace gesture.
Holy See and PLO meet in Ramallah.
Scottish Catholic tycoon Michelle Mone has threatened to move to England if Scotland votes for independence.
Former Scotland football star Gordon Strachan says the religious divide in Scotland is getting worse.
Newly-appointed acting head teacher at St Matthew’s Primary School in Rosewell, Mara Matthews, brings a wealth of experience to the role.
Venerable English College, English seminary in Rome, celebrates its 650th birthday.
Bishop John Arnold‘s homily from CAFOD’s 50th anniversary Mass.
US Military Archbishop Timothy Broglio says the collapse of Iraq’s Christian population is among the legacies of America’s invasion in 2003.
US Catholics protest againtst federal birth control regulations.
India’s bishops meet in Bangalore this week to funds raising for Church-owned schools and hospitals in the wake of dwindling foreign donations.
The horrors of being a persecuted Polish Catholic person during the Holocaust.
Kristin Aune: Feminists can be Christians, too.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York’s mother’s shares pride in her soon-to-be prince of the Church.
Scottish comedian Kevin Bridges on growing up Catholic.
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog