January 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Tuesday headlines
The latest news for Catholics
Margo MacDonald’s (above) assisted suicide bill resurrected in spite of initial failure and Church and pro-life opposition.
Church of England bishop’s amendment in the House of Lords defeats government plan to cut child benefits but coalition is set to take the welfare reform bill back to the Commons and push through the cap.
Abortion opponents in US are urged to unite behind eventual Republican party presidential nominee at annual March for Life rally as speakers urge national pro-life leadership.
Pro-lifers in Paris admit that the environment they are facing in France is a worrisome one.
US Conference of Catholic Bishops to give legal challenge to federal rules requiring health insurers and non-profit religious employers to provide free birth control.
US Ordinariate receives first parish and former US Episcopalians welcome new Catholic structure under ordinariate.
After seven die in shooting at Mexican church, Archbishop Jose Guadalupe Martin Rabago calls for gang cease-fire during Papal visit.
Steven Myers, a director of NeoStem, Inc: Catholic Church support for adult stem cell research.
Oscar short Pentecost mixes world of Church and sport.
– Cross Wires is The Scottish Catholic Observer blog