November 30 2011 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Wednesday headlines
Publication Date: 2011-11-30
The latest Catholic news from home and abroad
Report into clergy abuse in Raphoe Diocese in the north of Ireland published today. Bishop Philip Boyce (above) apologised for ‘poor judgements’.
Perthshire charity shop defends sale of school gifted religious statue.
Birmingham city council promotes Nativity trail with local bishop’s backing.
Pope Benedict XVI encouraged politicians around the world to ban the death penalty in his general audience this morning. (Video link)
China to ordain Vatican_approved bishop today.
Fides reports calm elections in Egypt.
Indian cardinal says murdered nun was fearless.
American monastery in Washington DC becomes solar powered.
Vatican to welcome Christmas with carol service.
How a famously liberal American congressman owed his career to Pope John Paul II.
-Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog