November 28 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news from around the world
Irish-American priest Mgr Charles Brown, 52, the new Papal nuncio to Ireland, will take up post in January. He will replaced Archbishop Giuseppe Leanza (above).
Church in Ireland to publish child protection reports this week.
Pope Benedict XVI has said that all institutions should be held to exacting standards in the response against the ‘scourge’ of sex abuse.
Holy Father on ’educating the guardians of creation,’ Catholic youth.
Pope Benedict XVI calls for responsible, credible climate deal.
Catholic church’s English language liturgy changes today to unify translation of Mass around the world.
Archbishop Nichols publishes study on St John Fisher.
Bishop Davies of Shrewbury: “Holocaust teaches us to be vigilant against contemporary threats.”
Northern Ireland’s First Minister Peter Robinson has called for Catholics and Protestants to unite to end sectarian division.
Benin liturgical group withdraws case against Catholic archbishop’s ordination.
Cumbrian churches are coming together to share ministers, buildings and even services under a plan to create greater unity, in a plan supported by the Church of Scotland and the Catholic Church.
Would this German princess, with direct lineage of the House of Stuart, be the heir to the Scottish throne if the ban on Catholic monarchs is repealed?
Chief Vatican exorcist Gabriel Amorth, 85, says yoga is work of the devil.
-Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog