October 24 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday headlines
The latest Catholic news from home and abroad
Pope Benedict XVI (above) marked the Church’s annual Mission Sunday yesterday by canonising two Italians and a Spaniard the Church’s newest saints. Newly canonised Archbishop Guido Maria Conforti of Parma, who founded the Xaverian Missionaries, (below).
Scottish Church leaders fear government reassurances over plans to legalise same-sex ‘marriage’ are a ‘complete sham.’
“We would like the truth of what happened even though Gaddafi had died, said Fr Patrick Keegans, fromer Lockerbie parish priest now the administrator of St Mary Cathedral in Ayr
Martyrs of England and Wales commemorated tomorrow.
Lord Avebury, a Liberal Democrat peer, in bid to to remove the requirement for Christian worship in schools.
Thailand: desperation and solidarity as floodwaters keep rising, says Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME) .
Army in Burma continues violence against civilians and do not spare the Church.
Pro-euthanasia forces continue to press for the legalisation of assisted suicide.
Austen Ivereigh: Catholic humanism is superior to today’s exhausted secularism. Think of the Pope at Bellahouston last year.
New Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Tagle has already been tagged as a ‘Papal contender’ by a respected international Vatican watcher.
– Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog