October 21 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Friday headlines
The latest Catholic news from Scotland and around the world.
Vatican calls for reflection after killing of Colonel Gaddafi in Libya. British newspapers shock in their front page reports (above and more below).
Vatican recognises Libya’s post-Gaddafi government.
SCIAF report Balancing the Books calls for swift action by developed countries to tackle the core injustice of climate change.
Two senior Ulster Unionist politicians face no Orange Order action for attending funeral of Catholic Policeman Ryan Kerr.
On Mission Sunday the canonisation of Mgr Conforti.
Holy Father bless the Domus Australia Pilgrimage Center in Rome. (Video)
Pope tells Australian bishops to repair errors of the past clergy at ad limina visit. (Video)
Pope Benedict XVI hails ‘courageous’ Italian priest Fr Fausto Tentorio killed in Philippines.
Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo blames the Aquino administration Fr Tentorio’s death.
Chinese cardinal starts hunger strike in response to court decision on Catholic schools.
Jos Catholic Archdiocese decries spate of examination malpractice.
– Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer Blog