September 26 | 0 COMMENTS

Cross Wires: Monday breaking news
The latest Catholic headlines from home and abroad
Open-air Papal Mass in Freiburg: ‘May the Church be a blessing,’ Holy Father tells some 100,000 in hard-hitting message on the final day of his visit to Germany (above). (Video)
Holy Father: What can the Church do stop decline in religious practice? (video)
Pope Benedict XVI ‘shaken’ by talks with abuse victims.
A shooting incident one kilometre from Papal Mass in Germany on Saturday had no link with the pontiff, a Vatican spokesman says.
Find all the addresses, homilies and video links of Papal visit to Germany on the Scottish Catholic Observer website.
Mother’s tribute to slain Catholic officer Ronan Kerr at police memorial in Scotland.
Former PM Tony Blair, a Catholic convert, tries to downgrade Palestinians’ bid for statehood, calling it ‘to be deeply confrontational.’Vatican dismisses speculation in Italian newspaper yesterday of Pope Benedict XVI resigning in 2012, when he turns 85.
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin denies parish fund used for abuse victims.
Polish church and state leaders pray for the EU.
Catholic composer James MacMillan on Neil Lennon court case and Scottish legal system: Libyan dictator Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi would receive a fairer trial in Scotland than any Catholic.
-Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog