September 8 | 2 COMMENTS

Cross Wires – Thursday headlines
The latest Catholic news from around the world
Preview of Pope Benedict’s forthcoming visit to Germany
Nadine Dorries abortion proposal heavily defeated in the Commons
Crying out to God sign of faith, says Pope
Irish Government to discuss Vatican response to Cloyne report
Pope recalls service of Cardinal Deskur
Preist and nun beaten up in China
Scottish Catholic Observer editor shares her memories of 9/11
-Cross Wires is the Scottish Catholic Observer blog
As a New Yorker, it is still traumatic for me to visit or even go anywhere near the World Trade Center site. I am sure most Scots feel that way about Lockerbie. On the day of Sept 11(co-incdentally the anniversary of my parents’ marriage0, I was sitting at my desk,were I was supervisor for a social welfare agancy. About the vice-president of the agency, an Epsicoapl priest,also of Scots ancestry, called me and told me that a plane had crashed into the WTC and that no one was to go downtown below 14th street.
To continue, I had to notify all the other employees of what had had happened and tell them to put on their radios. Then, the 2nd plane hit and there were the incidents in Pennsylvania and the Pentagon. I started calling friends,who were closer to the site. Fortunately, I lost no to whom I was really close. Some of my friends did. The wife of a journalist acquaitance of mine later died of lung complicationss from the attack. The subway was shur down and I had to do a double shift. Our few Muslim emplyees became strangely silent.