May 9 | 0 COMMENTS print
Last call for retreat for those dealing with abortion
Last call for bookings for retreat-based programme that provides a safe environment for people who have been affected by abortion to talk and heal, writes Sr Andrea Fraile of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life
Rachel’s Vineyard is a retreat-based programme that provides a safe and compassionate environment in which people who have been affected by abortion—be they the parents, grandparents, healthcare workers or friends—can face the reality of what they’ve done and find a way to healing.
Because of the silence that surrounds abortion, those who suffer from it feel incredibly alone and isolated. One of the first things the retreat does, then, is to show them that they are not alone and to connect them with people who truly understand what they’re going through. The retreat team always has post-abortive people on it who have themselves been healed—an amazing source of hope to those who are just beginning the journey to healing and wholeness.
It also it gives them a forum, at last, to grieve the death or deaths of their unborn children and talk about them. Finally they’re encouraged to honestly ‘take ownership’ of that part they played in the abortion experience and learn to forgive themselves and others. Anger is a real barrier to healing, and many affected by abortion are raging inside—with themselves, with God, and everyone in between.
The weekend ends with a memorial service in which letters they have written to their unborn children are read out and their babies are symbolically laid to rest. There are no words to describe the profound joy of a mother who comes to truly understand that her baby is still alive, in Christ; and that her child loves, forgives and intercedes for her constantly before the throne of God.
— Two Rachel’s Vineyard retreats have been held in Smithstone House in Kilwinning recently, and another one is to be held on 27th to 29th May 2011. If you, or anyone you know, could benefit from this amazing healing experience, please call Marene on 07505 904 656 (Closing date is May 10). You are not suffering alone and your suffering needn’t last for ever. Healing is within your reach
— Sr Andrea Fraile is one of the Sisters of the Gospel of Life, the initiative that is the primary apostolate of the Cardinal Winning Pro-Life Initiative