BY Liz Leydon | May 1 | 0 COMMENTS

Blessed be the ‘pilgrim Pope’
Pope John Paul II, the Polish Pope (above) who reached out to the world, is Beatified by Holy Father Benedict XVI (below)
Pope John Paul II is now Blessed, the first step to sainthood, following the Rite of Beatification at the Vatican this morning on Divine Mercy Sunday.
Prior to the start of the Mass of beatification, Pope Benedict XVI processed to St Peter’s Square in an open top Popemobile in glorious sunshine, moving through the estimated two million pilgrims gathered.
Pope Benedict wore the chasuble and mitre frequently worn by Pope John Paul II during his 26-year pontificate from October 22 1978 to April 2 2005.
To begin the Beatification rite, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, vicar general of Rome Diocese, and Mgr Slawomir Oder, the postulator of the Cause, approached Pope Benedict.
Cardinal Vallini formally requested in Latin the Beatification of the Servant of God Pope John Paul II.
In a short biography on the late Pontiff, born born Karol Józef Wojtyła on May 18 1920, the cardinal said the characteristic of John Paul II’s Faith and Pontificate were a devotion to God and his complete, almost childlike trust in Our Lady. He went on to talk about John Paul’s missionary zeal and his love of young people for whom he established World Youth Day, which raised a cheer from young pilgrims in Rome for the beatification. The cardinal also spoke of the assassination attempt on the late Pope’s life and his illness in his latter years.
As Pope Benedict accepted the request and proclaimed the formula of Beatification a large tapestry (above) of the official beatification portrait of John Paul II was unveiled in St Peter’s Square.
A relic of the blood of Blessed John Paul II was then brought to Holy Father and placed on the altar by Sister Tobiana, the Polish nun who cared for the late Pope during his Pontificate, and Sr Marie Simon-Pierre, whose recovery to health was at the heart of his cause for Beatification.
After the Beatification rite, a more solemn atmosphere descended over the ecstatic, banner waving congregation at St Peter’s as they prepared for the Eucharistic celebration.
Following the Mass, St Peter’s will remain opened for pilgrims to venerate the remains of the newly-Beatified John Paul II.
Pope John Paul’s feast day will be observed on October 22, the date of his inauguration as Pope.
Pics: PA Photos