BY Ian Dunn | April 4 | 0 COMMENTS

Rare glimpse at life of the Pope
History Channel documentary to be shown in UK later in the year
A new History Channel documentary features rare glimpses of the Pope relaxing at home, sipping his ‘favourite treat’ Orange Fanta, watching TV and playing the piano.
The Holy Father allowed television cameras into his inner sanctum in Vatican City and the resulting footage sheds rare light on his little-known personal life. During the History Channel documentary called Secret Access: The Vatican, Pope Benedict is shown taking his daily 7am mass in his private chapel.
Viewers also learn that Pope Benedict ‘likes to kick back and watch the news’ on television to help him relax.’
One of his favourite pastimes is playing the piano and, although he says that his busy schedule rarely allows him time to do so, ‘Schubert can occasionally be heard emanating from the Papal apartments.’
The Holy father is also filmed hosting a number of cardinals in his private dining room where, and wearing official robes, the Pope leads saying Grace before they are served a meal by his two personal cooks.
During the programme, viewers are taken inside the Vatican to the catacombs and secret archives and the programme explores the many offices that make up the Holy See.
—Secret Access: The Vatican will be shown on the History Channel in the UK later this year.