BY Martin Dunlop | March 23 2011 | 2 COMMENTS

Indifference to Faith is as worrying as atheism, educators hear
Publication Date: 2011-03-23
Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow challenges headteachers
Archbishop Mario Conti of Glasgow has issued a challenge to Catholic headteachers, asking them to respond imaginatively to the indifference of many families to questions of Faith.
The archbishop (above), speaking to depute headteachers from Westminster Diocese last week, highlighted indifference as a particular challenge in Catholic schools.
“Pope John II noted in Christifideles Laici that ‘this indifference to religion and the practice of religion devoid of true meaning in the face of life’s very serious problems, are not less worrying and upsetting than declared atheism,’” he said.
“Faced with this indifference I suggest that the main challenges facing today’s Catholic teacher are twofold—that of revealing the Faith’s relevance to everyday life, and that of living it out in an exemplary manner so as to be an attractive witness to those in your care.
“In responding to these challenges you have all the necessary materials—the Catechism of the Catholic Church with its thesaurus of theology and spirituality is your sure guide. The modern means of communication—powerpoints, internet, Facebook and all the rest are available and at your disposal to deliver the message effectively. It is your task to take the treasures of the deposit of faith, translate them into the language and idiom of the day, and use the modern means at your disposal to transmit them.”
The teachers from Westminster Diocese were in Glasgow from March 16-18 under the conference title: Heart speaks to heart in our celebration of Catholic Education.
To read the archbishop’s comments in full visit:
Yes…”I would that you were hot or cold, but because you are lukewarm I will vomit you out of my mouth” say the words spoken in the Book of Revelations….
When I was in graduate school I remember the magazine headlines: “God is Dead”–or, in our science and ego saturated world, if not dead, then, at least inconsequential…My life stands out in stark contradiction to these statements. I defy anyone to read my new spiritual suspense memoir called Graffiti On My Soul (under the name Johanna)and say that God’s presence in our lives is not of ultimate importance…..
For more information check Google, Amazon, Kindle, etc.
“Faced with this indifference I suggest that the main challenges facing today’s Catholic teacher are twofold—that of revealing the Faith’s relevance to everyday life…”
If there is any relevance of faith in everyday life, it should be self-evident, and not require specially (self-)appointed monitors to try and ‘reveal’ it…